Monday 22 February 2016

Introduction to MicroProcessor

        Microprocessor is an electronic chip that contain CPU.
        The Intel 4004 is a 4-bit central processing unit (CPU) released by Intel Corporation in 1971. It is  First Micro Processor.

    Why Processor called MICRO????????????

       -The Size of chip is in micrometer.means in VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) design we select
         micrometer size .
      - The time required to execute NOP instruction is 1 micro second.
      - Time period of one Machine cycle is in micro second.

 Block Diagram of MicroProcessor: 

       As shown  in below the block diagram of Micro Processor which contains 

i) Control Unit: which can control all the activity of Processor. It is single chip and all the I/O devices are     connected with the help of system Bus


ii)Memory Unit: There are mainly two type of memory ROM(Read Only Memory) & RAM(Random   Access Memory).


ROM: ROM is non volatile memory,Speed of Execution is less as compare to RAM.

RAM: RAM is Volatile memory ,Speed of Execution is more than RAM but not as much as Cache memory. 


iii)I/O devices: With the help of I/O devices we can perform operation on external signal.


                                        fig.Block Diagram of Micro Processor

There are there are three types of Buses.

i)Data Bus: It is Bi-Directional Bus ,for data transmission we can use it within a system.The size of    Processor depends on.

         a) Data Bus

         b) ALU


ii)Address Bus: It id Uni-Directional Bus used for external memory interfacing.

  The size of external memory interfacing is depend only Address bus.


  where n is no. of address lines   

         m is size of memory.



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