Friday 26 February 2016


DAC Interfacing with 8086 :


Digital to Analog Converter Which can convert Discrete Continuous  signal in to Analog signal.

As shown in below the DAC IC :

fig.IC DAC 0808
DAC has reference voltage, this voltage is compare with input voltage according to that voltage it can generate analog signal.

In DAC we a
apply digital signal in the form of Program And then Processor process on digital signal and apply to DAC kit.

Hardware connection of DAC interfacing:

-Connect Processor and DAC kit with the help of RFC cable .
- Output of DAC is connected to CRO(Cathode Ray Oscilloscope ) with the help of probes .
-Then type on terminal minicom -s -c on
-select serial setup and fix baud rate with the help of INC/DEC button on kit .
-Type code in minicom  and run it by using G (address location ) and enter it.

How it convert Digital to Analog ??????????? 

As shown in below the practical wave on DSO(Digital Storage Oscilloscope)

fig.Practical Wave form


i) Start.
ii) control word.
iii) Send HIGH value (5v) to output PORT call delay.
iv) Send LOW value (0v) to output PORT call delay.
iv) GO to step iii.
v) STOP. 


A 1000

0000:1000  MOV AL, 89

0000:1002  OUT 67, AL

0000:1004  MOV AL, 01

0000:1006  OUT 63, AL

0000:1008  MOV CL, FF

0000:100A  MOV AL, FF

0000:100C  OUT 61, AL

0000:100E  DEC CL

0000:1010  JNZ 100C

0000:1012  MOV CL, FF

0000:1014  MOV AL, 00

0000:1016  OUT 61, AL

0000:1018  DEC CL

0000:101A  JNZ 1016

0000:101C  JMP 1008

0000:101E  INT 3



fig.Program of Square wave

    as shown in below wave form of square wave

fig.Square wave form on CRO



0000:1000  MOV AL, 89

0000:1002  OUT 67, AL

0000:1004  MOV AL, 01

0000:1006  OUT 63, AL

0000:1008  MOV CL, FF

0000:100A  MOV AL, 00

0000:100C  OUT 61, AL

0000:100E  DEC CL

0000:1010  JNZ 100C

0000:1012  MOV CL, FF

0000:1014  MOV AL, 55

0000:1016  OUT 61, AL

0000:1018  DEC CL

0000:101A  JNZ 1016

0000:101C  MOV CL, FF

0000:101E  MOV AL, AA

0000:1020  OUT 61, AL

0000:1022  DEC CL

0000:1024  JNZ 1020

0000:1026  MOV CL, FF

0000:1028  MOV AL, FF

0000:102A  OUT 61, AL

0000:102C  DEC CL

0000:102E  JNZ 102A

0000:1030  MOV CL, FF

0000:1032  MOV AL, AA

0000:1034  OUT 61, AL

0000:1036  DEC CL

0000:1038  JNZ 1034

0000:103A  MOV CL, FF

0000:103C  MOV AL, 55

0000:103E  OUT 61, AL

0000:1040  DEC CL

0000:1042  JNZ 103E

0000:1044  JMP 1008


fig.Staircase waveform on CRO


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