Monday 22 February 2016

Beagle Bone Black



        A true open hardware, community-supported embedded computer for developers and hobbyists. Ride the 1GHz edge with the Sitara™ ARM® Cortex-A8 processor, boot Linux in under 10 seconds.

    ARM is advance RISCMachine.There are two types of machine CISC & RISC.

   i) Complex Instruction Set Computer.

   ii) Reduced Instruction Set Computer.

                                                     fig.Architecture of CISC & RISC

  The number of instruction in RISC is less as compare to CISC

       Differnce Between RISC & CISC :


 -As shown in above figure the architecture difference between RISC & CISC .

 -Advantages of RISC over CISC.

 i) very few instruction required more than one machine cycle to execute single instruction.
 ii) speed of execution is high.
 iii) It is prominent on the software.

Architecture Diagram of BBB:

                                                            fig.Architecture of BBB

Pin Description of BBB

 As  shown in below the pin diagram of BBB .It has two port port 8 & port 9. Each port has 46 pin and these pins are multipurpose .

                                                            fig.Pin diagram of BBB

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